Am I missing something? I love my music, have a pretty eclectic taste and will listen to and appreciate most things (C&W & 80's power ballads aside - which I can't stand), but having just heard Dido's new one, I just don't get it. I find her music very dour and, possibly worst of all, extremely samey. My other half absolutely loves her. Is it a girl thing?
Apparently not - Dido is an example of hearing someone unknown, liking the album, and then the rest of the world jumps in, and she makes a less exciting album. I still like her first album, but I agree she has slipped into the current trenty for bed-sitting trendy left-wing lentle-steaming moan-pop which is infecting the radio, but trends come and go, t'was ever thus.
I'm female and I can't STAND Dido. You know the story of the Emperor's New Clothes, where everybody admired them until a child pointed out that he wasn't actually wearing any? Well, I'm now pointing out (pretend I'm a child!) that Dido can't sing more than two notes, her voice tone is boring and her songs are dreadful. I just didn't get it right from the start. There - I've said it.
I'm a girl and I can't stand Dido either. If she comes on my radio when I am in my car I would chuck on a CD or tape just to get rid of her. I'd rather throw myself off a cliff than listen to her drivel. Listening to her makes me want to slit my wrists, and I know not one person who actually appreciates her style of music, her voice or her songs generally. Get the picture yet?!
I like her first album. Not fantastic, but it's listenable in a background music, humming along sort of way.
Bored of her new stuff. She needs to vary her style a bit more!
I've never liked any Dodo stuff. Dull, soppy, bland drivel. I think she got alot of kudos from being on that eminem song, which elevated her career to an undeserved level.
I also can't stand her. Bland is the best word I can think of to describe her. Or watercress. Tastes of nothing, inoffensive, doesn't really enhance anyone's existence. But I think that about quite a lot of other very popular acts too (eg Coldplay).
Without sounding like I'm jumping on a bandwagon - I've never liked her. I think her music is bland dinner party muzak.
Just like nicola_red says, I have a long list of people who I find very bland and inoffensive at best. Coldplay, Keane, Nora Jones, Turin Brakes amongst others.
I think that my taste in music is different from, not better than others' but I have been described as a musical snob! Pah!!!
i never get most of here songs
they dont seem to have any meaning (apart from thank you)
Also she is one of these artists who release the 2 good songs from the album, every1 goes to buy it and the other 9 songs r shat!