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CD's, DVD's, Videos
Video of Robert palmer's Germany gig played on Rock around the clock on BBC about 1982. I would like to get a copy.
hiya i just want to say thanks to fistralboy for finding me the karate kid soundtrack boxset i have now ordered it, once again thanks very much i am very greatful, all the best dave!
hiya can anyone help me i don't no if anyone as heard of milk inc. but they are great, i have all there music dvd's that i can find, on one of them there are to song's that i have been trying to find...
Does anybody have the Black Books 2 DVD? If you do, do you know what the tune is that accompanies the menu video? Thanks! PS, and if you do, do you know where I can download it?
New album has just come out but I can't remeber the name of the band. All I know is the album cover has a landscape in a bottle (Bit like a ship in a bottle) and that the band are from the states. The...
Can anyone tell me which DVD includes the sketch where Harry Enfield is a rock star and has a butler who gives him a "wicked biscuit"
Can anyone tell me what a Trimmed CD is? I'm looking at buying, what they call LP-CDRs and there is a choice between the normal and trimmed type. Please Help.
Song was from spring/summer 2007- male singer, south asian/Indian instruments in the background. Music video was black and white (or parts were)- singer was black male with dreads and a hat. I don't...
A few years ago I found a site with a collection of wierd and funny lp's from the 50's and 60's etc. You could listen to some of the tracks on them. One of the albums was an american woman, from the...
How many rise against albums are there? I have "Siren Song Of The Counter Cult" and "The Sufferer And The Witness" and i just don't want to be missing out on any others... also is there a new one ame...
a good site for downloading the complete album TAPESTRY
hiya can anyone help me i am trying to find the complete karate kid soundtrack boxset, i had the boxset which i paid ?110 pounds for but and it had all 4 soundtracks in it but someone stole it and i...
Im trying find out which Now Album or other album/compilation the above tune can be found, as I want to download it and cant find a free MP3 of it on the net. Anyone know/??
I was travelling around Australia in 2005 and saw a video of a woman dancing in what I think was Oxford Street or somewhere in London, at a bus stop. Think as first she's fully dressed then she's down...
Does anyone know where I can find a copy of a CD called something like "Classic FM - Healing music"? It looks like it may have been a freebie or something. Can't seem to find it...
OUr dvd player is around 3 years old. lately it seems to "freeze" around 3/4 of the way into any disk we put it. It is so frustrating and we cannot go backwards, forwards, or anything. IT just STICKS...
does anyone know the song that was on an old euphoria album its and italian man and he's in a hotel but everyone misunderstands what he's saying like wen he says he needs a sheet on the bed..........i...
Which CD is the track "At the River" on?
Can anyone remember a music video which had the lead singer dressed as a baby in a pram. If so, what was the name of the band?
Can anyone place this? It may have been a remake of a 30's song but I remember it probably in the 70's and the first 2 lines contained something silly like 'your bald spot catches my eye' ' ....close...