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CD's, DVD's, Videos
I am after a few ideas for some songs for my spin classe. Here are some examples of the songs I use are "Sweet Dreams (remix), Bond - "Palladio: 1 Allegretto", "Footloose", "Rock this party (everybody...
my mate told me about this song and i really liked so i want their cd for xmas and i wanted to know the cd and on other websites they say its sung by two women but to me it sounds like a is...
I have some video files on data DVD that plays only on computer. I wish to view the video on DVD player . How can i copy it to a DVD playable on dvd player?
Back in the 80's a friend had a tape of many of the normal pop songs remixed as reggae versions it was really cool. These were not reggae songs but reggae versions of pop songs. I will be surprised if...
If I purchase a free view digital tv recorder, will I be able to record programmes from my sky box ? If this is possible it will save me around ?100 as sky charge ?210 for a sky plus box and...
What compilation album can i find the cover of the Leonard Cohen record please. I know Jeff Buckley covered it on his own album Grace, but does it appear on any other album please ?
In which of the chronicles of narnia did father christmas appear
Does anyone know the name of the song where the singers perform on walking machines.
I have bought a classic ipod. I'm totally new to this game so do I have to download the itunes software from the apple website to be able to record my cd's onto the computer and then download them...
Does anyone know the song that goes with a video in which a girl is coming home from university on a train on which the band are on as well? Thanks!
Can somebody please help me with this? I am a pianist and composer and am trying to buy a digital recording studio, that basically will allow me to connect up my digital piano directly, and just play...
I know this is a long shot. Back in the early sixties there was a song out, I can barely remember it, but it went something like this: "Mummy mummy come and see oh Mummy come and look, there's -----...
Anyone have any idea what The Killers' new song means???
Anyone know where I can get a copy?
Is the song - today wont come again - as sung by jonathan ansell and hayley westenera on festival of rememberance albert hall 8/11/08 commercially available anywhere?
Does anyone know how to access the hidden content on the 'Pink Floyd Live in London 1966-67' CD? Computer only displays the two music tracks and nothing else, and I'm stumped. I have other 'hidden...
I may be in the wrong category with this but does anyone know if there is a later edition than the 19th, as this is all I can find and am sure that was in 2006? Urgently needed Christmas pressie....
Its a long shot but here goes one for you old cheesey quavers . about 1992 ish there was a dance compilation cd out called "tasco warehouse " or something along those lines , have been searching it...
who knows some beautiful ,soft and sweety songs like M2M's? Please recommend them to me! NO ROCK!
Hiya Does anyone know the name of this song and who's it by from this Far Cry 2 trailer? DX5L2/ref=pe_thx_sims_2 Please help, i'm very grateful! Thanks...