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Vegan And Vegetarian Gravy Granules

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smurfchops | 12:04 Mon 08th Jul 2024 | Home & Garden
11 Answers

Got two half-pots of these, can I mix them together?? 



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As long as you're not serving the result to a vegan, I don't see why not.  If you're worried about the taste, make a small amount up & try it before making it for a meal.

Look at the ingredients. If there is anything in the vegetarian version that a vegan won't/can't eat, then don't mix them.

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It's for someone who is gluten intolerant ...

The label/packaging should have an allergen alert section.

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Thank you :)

If it's for someone who is gluten intolerant, then vegetarian/vegan should have nothing to do with it. Unless of course they are vegetarian or vegan 🙄 

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Nope, just gluten intolerant! 

I often mix up different brands of gravy granules, I still end up with gravy 

Or a close approximation 😉

Bisto have gluten free granules

I'm famous for my inability to make proper gravy, OG.

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Vegan And Vegetarian Gravy Granules

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