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newmodarmy | 12:05 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | Music
2 Answers

I'm just wondering what ABers think of Eminem's recent number one single. I managed to find a clean version here. He's not really changed in 25 years but he doesn't need to as he's found a successful mix of rapping and sampling which continues to appeal to new generations of 11-12 year olds. At least he brings old 70s/80s/90s songs to the attention of youngsters. Is it hard to do this so well or is it money for old rope?



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Brill - i do believe Eminem is the only rapper i can listen to - mainly because i heard so much of him blasting out of my son's bedroom back in the day.

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Same here Ken. Now it's the grandchild. He;s too crude with his language for me and too many drug references, but he seems to have found a formula. He even samples one of his own songs on this track, but it works.

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