Hey there, i bought the '6 second abs' machine a while ago now when it was still being released with a VHS workout.
The machine comes with two video workouts but the one i'm looking for is called 'rock hard abs'.
So anyway . . . basically i really wana start using it again as i found it worked really well but i have got rid of my VHS now and the newer versions they send out contain DVD not VHS.
I was was wondering if anyone either new where i could maybe download a copy of this workout so i can burn it to DVD etc? i can't find it anywhere . . . youtube, google videos, metacafe, etc etc etc - PLEASE HELP ASAP!!!!
well i have one lol, sorry i didn't make it clear before, purchasing it on DVD now would mean buying a whole new '6SA' machine as well, as they don't sell the DVD seperately. thats why i need a download really!
hhhmmm maybe! i hadn't thought of that! i've got a feeling the VHS version i've got though is a bit stuffed though to be honest anyway! it always cuts short :( GRRRRRR