News2 mins ago
Birmingham Parking
Hi. I'm driving down to Birmingham from Sunderland to see Beyonce on Saturday 27th April. The arena has parking which can be prebooked but only from 6pm, and I wanted to get there earlier than that. I'm planning on parking approx. 1pm-midnight. Can anyone recommend any car parking close to the arena at a reasonable price? Thanks! :)
The LG Arena is on the same site/complex as the NEC (National Exhibition Centre). This is about 5 miles or so East of Birmingham City Centre so there is no need to go into the centre of Birmingham. The NEC complex has THOUSANDS of car parking places so there is no need to book ahead (you only need to book ahead and pay the £15 for special priviliges). So if you just...
11:41 Tue 02nd Apr 2013
"near the LG Arena" and "reasonable price" don't appear in the same sentence.
however the station car park at birmingham international can be cheaper than the dedicated NEC car parks, depending on the time of arrival.
the car park at the adjacent station, marston green is free, but there's always the risk that the concert might overrun beyond the time of the last train.
however the station car park at birmingham international can be cheaper than the dedicated NEC car parks, depending on the time of arrival.
the car park at the adjacent station, marston green is free, but there's always the risk that the concert might overrun beyond the time of the last train.
The LG Arena is on the same site/complex as the NEC (National Exhibition Centre). This is about 5 miles or so East of Birmingham City Centre so there is no need to go into the centre of Birmingham.
The NEC complex has THOUSANDS of car parking places so there is no need to book ahead (you only need to book ahead and pay the £15 for special priviliges).
So if you just turn up (at any time) there will be plenty of car parking spaces in one of the NEC car parks.
The NEC complex has THOUSANDS of car parking places so there is no need to book ahead (you only need to book ahead and pay the £15 for special priviliges).
So if you just turn up (at any time) there will be plenty of car parking spaces in one of the NEC car parks.
btw You say you are getting there at 1pm, what do you plan to do from 1pm until the concert starts?
The area around the LG Arena / NEC complex is pretty dead and there is not a lot to do in the area.
Birmingham International Train station is also on the NEC complex and you can get a train from there into New St station that is in the centre of Birmingham. It is about a 10 minute train journey.
Just opposite New St station is the huge modern BullRing shopping centre with plenty of places to shop and also get a bite to eat.
The area around the LG Arena / NEC complex is pretty dead and there is not a lot to do in the area.
Birmingham International Train station is also on the NEC complex and you can get a train from there into New St station that is in the centre of Birmingham. It is about a 10 minute train journey.
Just opposite New St station is the huge modern BullRing shopping centre with plenty of places to shop and also get a bite to eat.
Park At My House is an excellent scheme which allows private individuals to offer pasrking space on their own premised through a secure website - I haven't used this in Birmingham, but I have in London several times....... here is the link which should show spaces in Marston Green (which is close to public transport to the Arena complex) plus gives other location options too: https:/ / rkatmyh m/searc h/?filt er=1&am p;order =&q =Marsto n+Green %2C+Uni ted+Kin gdom&am p;ac_co untry=G B&r eferenc e=CoQBf wAAAMLh rfY2B16 _g6Fkcq jZMV0_9 kZdprro cH7-3Ih 1w1ghFK g8aS4Cf aPCOPYr jHr4was KOyru_U RVZWbn- jf-XYrQ zi1QsHT M7T5k0j Kp_teH5 kj6a3eO _qmExxJ aeFutqx 21Nx76- dkiABP- sbedHjH 6PJx12K Xn3PjZ1 -5RQCES EhD-TYT 7a1IISR rbZOCvh F77GhQj 1gwuyxj lNyOwkr n0H_UGF G_-FA&a mp;loca tion_na me=Mars ton+Gre en& source= autocom plete&a mp;coor ds=52.4 66561%2 C-1.744 5380000 000341& amp;sta rt_date =&s tart_ti me=& ;end_da te=& ;end_ti me=& ;vehicl es%5B%5 D=accep ts_cars &no _of_spa ces=