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sunshine1 | 17:40 Wed 21st Nov 2007 | Gigs & Clubs
8 Answers
has anyone ordered tickets from if so did you find trustworthy?


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I order from seetickets most of the time. My tickets have always arrived, the site seems secure. Very good in my opinion, much, much better than ticketmaster.
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Ah thank you, you have put my mind at ease.I have asked a few friends and they have not dealt with this site.
I have ordered Take That tickets for the 8th of Dec and a friend has too but from another site, she has recieved hers but i havent recieved mine yet. I keep checking my accont but it says that the tickets have not been issued yet?
I know i have a few weeks yet but you hear all sorts of stories!
See Tickets are really good with this. They get dispatched to a courier who will then pass them on to you. So they probably havent gone to the courier in your area yet. When you have 10 days to go and they still havent arrived, email them. Its not uncommon not to get tickets until the week of the gig these days anyways.
I use seetickets all the time and they are excellent!
I use them too and find them very good.The only problem ive had is that the tickets have to be signed for and as i work during the week it can cause problems having to rearrange for a saturday.I had tickets ordered for Enter Shikari and when the tickets hadnt arrived 10 days before the gig,i rang them and they arranged for me to collect them on the night from the venue.
i have used them a few times and i have never had a problem with them!! i always get paranoid that they are not gonna arrive in time lol
I use when I have to, I prefer ticketmaster. They really cut it fine sometimes with the tickets. I've had two occasions where tickets didn't come, in one case they arranged for replacements at the box office and the second time I had to pick them up at the box office because the courier f*cked up.
i use them all the time amoungst others, but its worth noting that some agent are actually the same company. such as see tickets and

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