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I'm trying to work out . . .

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Buenchico | 21:06 Sat 14th May 2011 | ChatterBank
45 Answers
. . . why there are no posts about the quality (or otherwise!) of the Eurovision entries tonight.

Is it because:
(a) everyone is so engrossed in the competition that they've got no time to contribute to AB tonight? ; or
(b) because I'm the only one who's actually listening to it?


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we never win, it's too political!
Or maybe, no one is listening to it, im not :-)
I watched the Estonian entry - a pretty girl in a Minnie Mouse dress. That was enough for me. lol
Has the UK entry been on yet?
I'd rather stick wasps up my ar$e than watch it! (But hope you're enjoying it.)
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Yep, that's me Mike. The world's number one saddo!

A decent song might help though, Cupid04 ;-)
OH has just switched it on. Not my cup of tea but the judging makes me laugh.
Ouch @ Blue..... :(
Boring night on telly, any suggestions?
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It's only the third time that I've turned my telly on all year, only to find that my aerial must be hanging at a more precarious angle than before, 'cos the picture keeps breaking up. So I'm listening to it on Radio 2 instead.
Friends of ours in the audience. They watch the show every year on tv and were so excited they managed to get tickets for the final.
CSI channel 5 :)
Yes, turn it off!
Remember the good old days when Greece would always give full points to Cyprus and none to Britain? Bring back Terry Wogan, that's what I say. It was worth watching just for the pleasure of listening to him taking the Fosters.
Chris it wont change my life..LOL
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Thanks, PP.

That's the first comment about any of the performances!
(My TV picture seems to be better now. The Moldavan contestants deserve a bit of credit for being confident enough to wear those silly hats in public!)
I remember Pearl Carr and Teddy Johnson :O)
Its Valkyrie from the Met tonight. Eurovision Schmeurovision!
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Some of Ken Bruce's comments on Radio 2 are just as good as anything Wogan ever came out with on TV ;-)
Sing little birdie!

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