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any les mis fans?

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crisgal | 21:52 Tue 02nd Aug 2011 | Music
24 Answers
i'm going to see this in London in a few weeks with my ten year old daughter.
I bought the book on my kindle, to get to know the story.
Unfortunately, I haven't had chance to read it.
Could someone give me a synopsis of the story - in a way that my ten year old will understand it too?
I know there will be lots on tinternet but I don't really want to know the ending, if that's at all possible.
many thanks ♥


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It is a complex story that cant really be explained in a few sentences.

It mainly follows the whole life of Jon Valjean.

It is set in France around the revolution time.

Many poor people ("the miserables") turn to crime to feed themselves and their families.

John Valjean steals a loaf of bread and is sentenced to years in prison.

He is let out "on license" (has to show a piece of paper wherever he works).

But he ignores this and runs away, eventually working his way up to become a businessman and mayor of a town.

One of his young female workers dies and he adopts her daughter.

Because he has broken his parole the police try to track him down, mainly policeman Javert.

Years later his adopted daughter has grown up, and the youngsters of the town want a revoluotion against the rich and noble.

His adopted daughter falls in love with one of the your revoluionaries.

The rest of the story is about the policeman Javert hunting for Valjean, the your revolutionaries fighting the rich, and a love story beween his adopted daugher and the young revolutionairy.

There is an overview here (which might give away the ending)
Just read the synopsis above and it does give away the ending.
I saw it on TV and bits were absolutely fantastic and other bits a bit slow - I have a short attention span.

I really hope that you both enjoy the music.
I love it, I've seen it 3 times. It certainly does help to know the outline of the story before seeing it as it can get confusing otherwise and I have read the book, it was a bit hard going :) I will see what I can do with a synopsis. Basically it is set in France during a time of unrest, one of the main characters is called Jean Valjean, he commits a crime, gets put to work on the chain gang. When freed he has to carry a card to show that he was a prisoner, he tries to live a crime free life, but it is hard as no-one wants an ex convict. He is forced into his old ways and is hunted down by a Police Inspector who knows him from his time is prison. He turns his life around and adopts a daughter, but is still hunted by Inspector Javert. The story also centres around student uprisings and so there are additional characters introduced which get involved with Valjean.

Hope I have given enough without spoiling it for you. The Master of the House scene, is IMO one of the best and funniest, however be warned, they do use some bad language and strong innuendo, this might go over your daughter's head, but may not:)
I expect whilst typing this, you will have loads of other replies, so apologies in advance if I have repeated anything.
one of my favourites , the music is superb , especially Jean Valjean singing `Bring Him Home`
Crisgal. I envy you seeing it for the first time. It is vibrant, colourful, spectacular and switches from the extremely funny to extremely sad. Your 10 year old should have no difficulty in following the story. Mine did not although many years ago. Make sure you have plenty of tissues at the ready.

The opening chords of some of the music still reduce me to tears.

Enjoy!! Let us know your and your daughter's reaction. Perhaps I should take my grandaughter!
Jean Valjean is arrested for stealing a loaf of bread sentenced to imprisonment and work on the chain gang. Sentenced to more years because he tries to escape. When he is released he must show his "ticket". He seeks refuge at the Bishop of Digne's house in desperation, but leaves in the night having stolen the Bishop's candlesticks. He is caught but the Bishop tells "the law" that he gave JvJ the candlesticks and also says that he forgot to take the best of the silver. JvJ is humbled. Bishop says something along the lines of "I have bought your soul for god" having recognised the good in this man.

JvJ then in breach of his parole goes on to become a successful businessman and Mayor. He is a fair boss to the workers in his factory, including one Fantine. She has been the lover of a young dandy who has left her with a child. Fantine sells her hair, her teeth and her body to provide for her child - known as Cosette - who is boarded with a family of innkeepers called the Thernandiers.

There is an accident in the town where a man is crushed by a cart. JvJ goes to assist and lifts the cart off the victim. Javert, the police officer is there and mistakenly identifies the man under the cart as JvJ (Who Am I). JvJ comes clean. As a result he goes on the run. Just before he goes on the run, Fantine dies. Her dying wish is for Cosette to be given to the care of JvJ. He agrees.

JvJ goes on the run and finds Cosette living with the Thernandiers. They are a comical, if cruel couple. He "buys" Cosette from the Innkeeper and his wife and they proceed on their journey together.

Time moves on and JvJ and Cosette are living under an assumed name in Paris. Javert has not stopped in his search for JvJ. Meanwhile, unrest is growing in the Paris and the students are raising barricades in protest of the administration. (Do you hear the people sing) They are fighting for a better future. One of the students is Marius. He is loved by Eponine who is the eldest daughter of the Thernandiers. Marius barely notices Eponine and is taken up with the students' cause. Meanwhile, at their gated mansion, Cosette and JvJ are living in relative obscurity. Marius sees Cosette, they speak and fall in love.

The Thernadiers gang decide to rob the residence of JvJ. Eponine warns JvJ and Cosette of the raid and they flee. Meanwhile, Marius, Enjolras and the other students stand firm on the baricades - many of them dying. Marius is injured and Eponine is killed. JvJ finds Marius and takes him down into the sewer to get him away.

Javert realises that JvJ has got away again and is angry (although I won't say what happens to him).

That's pretty much as far as I can go without ruining it for you. You will have a fantastic time. It is brilliant. If you can get into the book, please do because it brings out so many more themes. I have read it several times and it is "unputdownable".

Most of my favourite songs are from that musical, but I love "On my Own" by Eponine and "One more day" by the whole cast.

...and probably best translated as The Wretches, not The Miserables!
I love it
I was lucky enough to work for it for about six weeks so I got to see it quite a few times a week and I still bought the vhs then cd then dvd of it
I absolutely love Les Mis and I think the story will speak for itself on stage, enjoy it, wish I was going x
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thank yo all so much!

We are going with her dramam group and had no say in what shows we saw. I will try again with the book. I understand now, as to why the begining is all about a bishop.
We are also seeing Billy Elliot.

I am really looking forward to les mis now!
I'm with DaisyNonna on this one, it's lovely seeing it for the first time. It is excellent and the songs just beautiful, many bring a tear to the eye (well they did to mine!). I Dreamed a Dream is particularly wonderful. Enjoy !!
this provides a good overview.
I have never read the book but I gather it is a huge tome and covers all sorts of information and background characters that is not covered in the musical.

I think you could happily see the musical without ever having read the book (I am sure that is true of most people who see the musical).
if you tend to have a box of tissues next to you when you watch some films, make sure you are well supplied in that dept as the closing scene always has me in bits even though we go to see it every year.....

oh, and be prepared to clap your hands sore at the encores, which are much deserved.
Hi crisgal,
this thread has made me want to buy the dvd! Like 'Phantom of the Opera', I've discovered songs I always loved and hadn't realised they were from this Les Mis!
Friends of mine who enjoy musicals and appreciate good music where given tickets for Les Mis as a thank you gift said it was the worst show ever definitely lived up to its name as being miserable only redeeming feature I dreamed a Dream. Lets hope you enjoy it and see for yourself hate to be a spoilsport especially as I haven't seen it and I do love musicals. Give us your opinion when you see it.

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it's a funny one really, i love musicals and have never fancied it. My brother, who hates musicals, reluctantly took his wife - and he loved it!
I cry at everything! So i will be making a holy show of myself no doubt!
(I cried in the cinema at Up and ToyStory 3.)
>>>only redeeming feature I dreamed a Dream.

Sounds like they were determined not to like the muscial even before they went.

I feel sorry for anyone who cant get caught up in the emotion of this musical as it features love, hate, humour, crime, happiness, sadness, youthfull entuhsiasm, cruelty, honour and much more

There are far more good songs in the musical then "I dreamed a dream".

The end of act 1, "One day more", must be one of the most amazing moments in any musical ever written. If it does not bring a lump to your throat you must be dead inside
>>>>said it was the worst show ever definitely lived up to its name as being miserable

Maybe you friends are right.

But it has been running all over the world for about 30 years, but hey maybe we are all wrong and your friends are right.

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