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The Friday Nostalgic Corner is now open...

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Bobbisox | 13:49 Fri 14th Oct 2011 | Music
370 Answers
sit down , relax and enjoy the songs we used to smooch,dance and have fun to :0)



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Hey,bobbi,are you Dancin"? feel like gettin"funky? lol xxx
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no Lottie it's all of everything..haha

All of everything,

Oh well OK then

Going shopping now!!
to go with your Twinkle,
the original glam rocker
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catchya laters hoefully
not heard of this afore LL :-(
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Hi riversong, welcome to the golden oldies section :-)
Not heard of Radiohead and Paranoid Android Bobbi. Shame on you!!!!!!
(Thought I would liven the Golden Oldies section up!!!! )
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arrhh the memories of when I was a Mod :-)
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and you did pet :-)
A friend of ours co-wrote March of the Mods!!!!
hello to you Bobbi
A nice quiet one from Craft there ;o)
its Harry Webbs birthday,,,,So i will get him out of the way
Thank you Kinkajou xxxxxx

Love it!! Love Radiohead

More xxxxxx
riversong....dont you get mentioning my CLIFF

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