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Nostalgia Corner is open, come in a spin an olde..

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Bobbisox | 16:25 Fri 28th Oct 2011 | Music
278 Answers
nah, not me, a disk...haha
will throw it open to 70s and 80s freaks to



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This song is one of my 1st memories. We were at my great grandma's, she my granny & mum & dad were sat round the tv watching this on Eurovision night.
How do peeps. :o)
This song is beautiful it just makes me cry.
Annie's Other Song is good too. And in contrast, here's a bit of glam rock.
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eeehhh hello peeps, fancy seeing you in here..Mwahahaha!
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OMG, how bad was that?
try this one Mwahahaha!
Long time no sea........
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evening gran, the pull of the oldies eh, I came in to switch off the lappy and here I am singing along to these lovely songs again :-)
Love some of these oldies bobbie, I'll listen to them tomorrow while I'm ironing.
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me too, there is such a wide variety in here

Not sure about this one being lovely but flowing into the sea are:
This one is quite olde.
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hi juliefer :-)

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Not sure what went wrong there.
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errrmmm I don't think so flob...hahahahaha
Burt Bacharat composed some lovely songs.
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he did this one
hi all

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Nostalgia Corner is open, come in a spin an olde..

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