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Decided to have a clear out before decorating

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BAKERS DOZEN | 20:48 Tue 08th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
Went through the cupboards and cleared out over a hundred videos that I'd taped off the TV over the years, on the basis that if I'd not watched them for a heck of a long time then they could go. Mentioned it to my daughter when she phoned and she, in her usual tactful way, said "Oh good it will save me a job when you and dad kick the bucket and I have to empty the house". Charming! But it got me thinking about what I would and would not like my daughter finding if she went through my drawers and cupboards. Never thought about it before. Do I really want her to know I've got one of those!!! Anybody found anything embarrassing when clearing out a house? The funnier the better please.


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The mind boggles - "do I really want her to know I've got one of those" What on earth have you got then.
I just have clutter which I am busy diminishing.
I didn't find but was expecting to find box loads of dirty mags under my Dad's bed. He must have got rid of them later in life.
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The funniest thing I've seen is my sisters boyfriend (a strict christian) help my mum get everything when thrown out of the house by ex husband. He was going through the lot and picked up a box, realising what it was and went bright red asking what he should do with it, (you can prob guess what the box was) when he handed it to my mum, she realised it was empty so said to him matter of factly "well he could have put the damned thing in there, what am I going to do with the box?" his face was a picture x
"Do I really want her to know I've got one of those!!!"

Is it ...

A buttoneer?

A toy donkey with a sombrero?

A George Foreman grill thingy?
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Jayne - brilliant!
Your post made me laugh BD , I have a house guest at present while I am away on my holiday and in my absence I am hoping they don't discover my rabbit !!
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Precisely Flump! Got it in one.
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When my grandson was quite small I was explaining my job to him and he asked if he could play with my handcuffs. Befoe I could speak he added "cos mummy has a pair made of pink fur and they are hanging on the end of the ed". Oh Boy did we laugh.
A simliar thought occured to me earlier today whilst watching Cash in the Attic. Family might be embarrassed, but for complete strangers to see..... ooh no way.
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Oooops - End of the bed - not ed. I'm going to be banned. Honest mistake sir - touches forelock creepingly.
I found a load of vids when I moved, didnt bother looking through, just thought if I hevnt looked them for years nothing worth having so I threw the whole box away. Couple of weeks latr I realised there was a video of my old gym and dance display from school :-(
My dad helped move my younger sisters fridge when it broke and found her ex boyfriends porn stash behind it.
ha ha @ BD :)
MMM...let me think... no...none of it embarrassing...rude....maybe...but nothing to get embarrassed about...

now the lock up... somewhere in there is a video some gay friends lent me... note to self find and destroy when go go to pick up the christmas tree
Last year my Dad was admitted to hospital following a minor stroke. When we realised he was being kept in I said I would go back home and grab some things for him. In a panic he told my brother he didn't want me to go in his undies draw because there were a certain type of DVD in there. My brother felt it woulod be far funnier to not bother telling me anything. I of course found the offending articles and when my Dad realised I had been in his underwear drawer he was mortified.

On another occasion I was cleaning out the wardrobe of a house I lived in. There was a small set of drawers in the wardrobe and I can't remember why but I pulled the bottom drawer right out to be faced with a delightful magazine rather graphically displaying man on man action. After I my stomach stopped hurting from laughing I made my sister get some kitchen roll so I could put it in the bin without having to touch it.
I used to be a keen black&white photographer, with a darkroom.

I have files of negatives over 8 inches high - must be ten thousand frames!

Lots of fascinating material, but some of the stuff must be cringingly embarrassing (sorry, no porn!)

I feel sorry for someone who has to deal with them...
I was helping some friends to pack up & move house, and came across a load of dog leads in a bedroom drawer. Without thinking, I said - didn't know you had dogs - there was a deathly silence before we all fell over laughing.
In my younger days it would have been more interesting....dressing up outfits, toys, books,, whip riding crop paddle etc... positively staid now by comparison...
My Mum is a bit of a hoarder and despite several attempts at getting her to have a clear out I know I'm going to have a 3 bed detatched house full of mainly junk to wade through when she goes. But back to the actuall question, me and my sister in law have made a promise to clear out each others bedside cupboards smartish should either of us unexpededly pop our clogs.

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