Radiohead, 'just' in The AnswerBank: Music
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Radiohead, 'just'

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hyperbuoy | 12:58 Thu 06th Jun 2002 | Music
3 Answers
In the music video for Radiohead's 'just,' what does the man who is lying on the ground say to the people who have gathered around him to make them all fall down and die?
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transcript here: http://radiohead1.tripod.com/disc/videography/just
.htm Note
that the end is something of a mystery.
i thought that was the idea, i mean, not letting the audience in on why the chap is lying there is the whole thing. like, not knowing is the point of life. just an opinion, y'know...
I can lip read and he sez! the world will become over run by produced pop

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Radiohead, 'just'

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