ukulele music in The AnswerBank: Music
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ukulele music

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val-south | 15:38 Sat 11th Feb 2012 | Music
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I am learning to play the ukulele (not baritone) and wonder where I could see music chords for "Hava negila". Cannot find this on Dr Uke or the Ukulizer.

Thanks in advance:)
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You could search for a guitar version and then just use the chords to play it on your uke (ie, if the chord progression is C, D7, G, for example then find out how to play those chords on your uke)...
16:27 Sat 11th Feb 2012
You could search for a guitar version and then just use the chords to play it on your uke (ie, if the chord progression is C, D7, G, for example then find out how to play those chords on your uke)...

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