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Would you report a benefit cheat?

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trt | 00:35 Tue 21st Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
87 Answers
She is approx 35 years old with 2 kids from different fathers.

She claims for her rent, council tax and child benefits etc and has for the past 6 months had a live in boyfriend, who works and she has been bragging locally that he gives her £150 a week for food and lodgings etc.

I want to report her but, dont want her kids to suffer as she is a bit of a p1ss artist and a very irresponsible person.


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Personally I wouldn't. She could be just talking the bloke up- he might not give her anything, in which case she'll be in sh1t street with the kids, alternatively if he is just lodging he might indeed give her something and she might have declared this to the council so have nothing to hide. She's entitled to child benefit no matter how much money she has, it's only council tax benefit and LHA which would be a potential issue and then not necessarily. What is her main income, because she doesn't appear to have once since ctb she won't even see, LHA will only cover her rent and child benefit is about £20 per week?
Why did you feel the need to mention that her kids have different dads?
I spent 24 years (and 33 days) working for DWP and even I can't give a straight answer to your question. I had a melt-down and was pensioned off ;-)

If someone has a part time job to help them survive it is legally wrong for them not to declare the earnings. I wouldn't report someone like that.

But I used to calculate benefit that was overpaid and some people are incredibly greedy and arrogant - working in well paid jobs and still claiming benefit. Yes - I probably would shop them.
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I've read this type of question a few times... for me if someone I knew for a fact was working and being fraudulent to the welfare system (but not struggling) then its a simple yes.

However all cases are different and maybe if this lady has being a single Mum for sometime and now has more of an income she might be able to steady herself and ease off the benefits and her artwork.
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No, what I'm saying is she should be given a chance to amend her ways... we don't know the full facts of this case do we.
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OK, I will add a bit more to the women I mentioned.
She has had so many blokes over the the past 6 years visiting her house and a few times the police being called for drunken disturbances etc.

Last summer on one hot night, her bedroom windows were open and the police were called as one of the neighbors called the police as they thought she was being strangled, only to find out she was getting over excited during sex.

God knows how scary her kids would have felt?
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Trt has also stated she doesn't want her neighbours Children to suffer as a consequence of her actions, it is a moral judgement on Trt's part.

Not a simple dob her in, (Thief).
Who are you to take the moral high ground??

Is your record clear????
I trust in those higher than oneself... but what would you do ummm? OP is still open to debate not speculate.
a difficult decission only you can make the word bragging plays a big part as that that may be allit is
Around here men are often the dominant partner/driving force in these cases & reap all the benefits but get off scot free while the women get hammered..
speaking as an ex benefit manager..keep out of it !!!
You cannot say, if she is on hard time I wouldn't report but if not I would. What a silly statement to make
What's the difference? She is still claiming benefits she is not entitled to as far as you know, whether she is on hard times is irrelevant, surely?

If you are worried about the children suffering, call Social Services
Would I report a benefit CHEAT"..absolutely yes.

Benefits should be enough to give a basic lifestyle to the less fortunate ....smoking drinking doing drugs are self inflicted problems and are no excuse to cheat the system for extra cash.
Yes I think so. You can do it anonymously can't you?
It sounds to me that you would like nothing more than to get this woman into trouble because she doesn't comply with your moral view of what a woman should behave like.

I agree that benefit fraud is illegal but for all you know this man who has moved in could be giving her no money whatsoever and she is bragging that he is to save face.

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