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Jubilee concert line up

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Ann | 08:17 Mon 04th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
71 Answers
I have a feeling that the Queen is going to be very disappointed - maybe even a little bored? at the special concert tonight. I know everyone likes different kinds of music but she is a similar age to my Mum, who I know would not like to sit through 3 - 4 hours of this music/performers. Who gets to choose who actually performs? I think as a real tribute to the Queen, she should have been able to choose HER favourites not just people she had knighted! Even I only like 2 or 3 .........I will record it and zap it to who I want to hear. What are your thoughts?


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i agree with you ann but thinkthis is part of her sense of duty. i think she must often be bored with some of the ceremonies she has to attend but sense of duty prevails.
I think Shirley Bassey is on.

Give me strength
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Yes, Lady J I was amazed and so proud of HER yesterday, fancy standing for 4 hours at her age, in the cold windy weather too, she must have been dying for a cuppa!
I agree Ann, she should have been asked if there was anyone she would have liked to see.
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//Give me strength //
Yes, and earplugs too Hoppy! :)
I am much younger than the Queen and the music is not to my taste.
Certainly not for over 3 hours.
They should have let the Queen hand pick who she wanted to see and hear.
i reckon it's more to do with BBC, after all how did someone who was relatively unknown until the Voice, get in on the act, i mean Jessie J.
Music wise it's the usual suspects, Cliff Richards, Tom Jones, Shirley Bassey.
Perhaps the organisers have to think of all the people tuning in, and buying tickets, but surely there must be something they can put on geared to her tastes. I doubt i will be watching.
just imagine having to sit through that lot. if it was me the lip readers would really be having a ball. lots of expletive deletives.
Do you think she will enjoy Madness on the roof of Buck House?
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I wonder just who WILL be watching - I did a quick poll last night and none of my friends are remotely interested, and of course the soaps are both on ITV at the same time.
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That really is madness - hope they fall off, that would be memorable!
Do you remember one time they had Brian May playing guitar on the roof of the Palace.

She met him again some time later, and asked what he did.
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I would have thought Katherine Jenkins or Kiri Te Kanawa would have been singing, or someone like them. I read in one report that Alfie Boe is supposed to be performing, if so, why isn't he promoted on all the trailers for the concert? I would watch it just for him...........
I must admit to liking Madness, but in a gig. Not stuck on top of the Queens residence. Why couldn't they have some classical music as well, i would think that is more to her taste.
He was on the One Show talking about it the other day.
I don't hope they fall off. I'd hate them to fall off. I hope anyone who's interested in watching, enjoys it.
Who is in the line up ?
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I was only joking Naomi .............. it was just a figure of speech ......... :(
Well, I will be watching all of it. I remember watching bits of the Golden Jubliee on news programmes as we were on holiday in Turkey at the time, and though it looked fantastic. I think the idea of the concert is that there should be something for everyone - I for one am looking forward to it!
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Gosh - I have just read that Grace Jones is in the line up - Grace Jones???? Surely not the one who smacked Russell Harty in that memorable show?? If so she is a most ridiculous choice, I've hardly heard of her since ....... who on earth chose her, and on what merit?

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