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Songs in your head.

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Tilly2 | 09:05 Mon 18th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Why is it that you have times when you cannot get a song out of your head. Someone told me once that it was a sign of stress. What do you think?


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Every morning I wake up with the same song in my head. It would be fitting with that theory at the moment.
hate it when that happens
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Thank you. An earworm is what it is.
And always a song I don't like.
Thanks for this post I can't get rid of that bloody Kylie Minogue song.
The thing about earworms is when they do get stuck in your head, you may have liked it... or didn't mind it, but If it comes on the Radio... or whatever... hairs will be pulled from your head.
OMD, Joan of Arc.
Lol... just being on.
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Oh, you're not listening to Radio Two I hope!
That's where the earworms live. In Steve Wright's studio.
I love Steve Wright's show. It is Chris Evans I hold responsible for planting the earworm that was Chop Chop by Tony Blackburn. I posted it on Mamya's night night sone once and was severely berated for it. Quite rightly too, in hindsight.

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Songs in your head.

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