I am here. Thank you so much for your thread!
I am not a big fan of Star Wars, as was not Sir Alec, although he was a little misguided as to his role and when he got to America, he found the 'role' to be very different from what it had previously prescribed.
Apparently there is an out take that George Lucas treasures, where Sir Alec is one minute Obi Wan then goes through many facial changes, eventually becoming Sir Alec Guinness. I would love to see it!
Well done, excelsior-1, you have made me laugh out loud. These days its' hard to do!I may take up gymnastics again just for the exultation of it all - God-I wish! Ha Ha gag splutter, gag ha ha ha!
this endeavour was to keep the ladies happy on here, i'm not sangiine about changing my gender for a gentleman AB'er - however, as a movie buff, i appreciate your choice of actresses, so i shall- just once-do it for you ..... pick one of them.