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pushonce | 08:54 Mon 06th Aug 2012 | Music
13 Answers
25. outstanding & tread or trample
47. might be sitting in some stories & sodium
53. outstanding, found on rabbits, kingdoms
71. just made, out when not at work
83. this method treats Poliomyelitis, end of message + s


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Pushonce, you'd do better (next time) posting this in Quizzes and Puzzles - not that many people will look in the Music section for quiz questions
83 was Kenny Rogers

53 is Super Furry Animals (although to me the clue suggests Super Fur Animals)

47 is said to be Santana but I'm not totally sure of the word play other than Na for Sodium. Is it simply Santa + Na (but why Santa?), or is it something to do with Sat or NT (new testament stories) or ANA? We did consider Bananarama also
47 could be a quiz typo and the word should be 'stores' not 'stories' in the clue
p.s. pushonce - i'm sure each of these has been asked before so you just need to search this site for answers to all of them
Hi bibblebub. That would make sense- although it does appear as Stories in all the threads I've seen.

I should point out that pushonce's thread is a week old- I just stumbled upon it again as one I'd subscribed to
re. 47

This is proving tricky, I looked up sitting, and one word that sprung out, was Dharna. First thought was Dana ???
However, why then plus sodium?
That would make it Dana+NA ??
so it is, maybe i should become six-eyes because four aren't quite sufficient sometimes
Are YOU (U) sitting comfortably, then I'll begin.
+ NA = Una ?? whoever Una is.
Yes, I asked in another thread whether there is a RUNA (R U sitting comfortably) +Na) but I don't think there is.
Bibblebub's explanation of Santana seems right to me.
I did suggest UNA last week http://www.theanswerb...7.html#answer-7160457 but they are so obscure that it can't be the answer, Santana is much better (as an answer and musically)
Thanks for that factor30, don't you just hate it, when you have spent ages trying to solve a clue, then discover there was a mistake.
well done bibblebub, no wonder we couldn't solve it.
it's only a suggest - maybe the quiz setter is a big UNA fan (probably the only fan)

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