Is it just me or is it worrying the attitude that the father seems more concerned someone "apparently" laced her vodka with ecstacy than the whole thing?
he sounds like a prat....and takes no responsibility for his daughter's behaviour. how is she supposed to be accountable for her behaviour if no one is showing her? a disgusting attitude - my son would have been sent to his room with a slapped arse (even at that age!) and grounded big time.....
beggars belief, not least that he's happy to have her pictures all over the DM. Another example of a parent blaming everyone else and taking no responsibility for their own parenting.
She looks like Megan Stammers..........they all look the same to me........Icg....LOL...I agree with the "slapped @rse" but you can't do that to the little darlings now.
Notice he said someone must have laced 'her vodka'. Which means he accepted the fact she 'owned' the vodka in the first place.
If I was in that position at that age and my dad found out my feet wouldn't have touched.
It certainly would not have been a case of 'boys will be boys'.
It's not just you. When I'm teaching I have to deal with this attitude from parents more often than you might think. If a child is always on the phone/drinking/eating in lessons some parents tell me it's my fault because my lessons are boring. If a student consistently fails to co-operate with teachers it's a 'personality clash' . If a student never does homework it's because we don't explain it properly.