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ilovemarkb | 12:21 Fri 02nd Nov 2012 | Technology
12 Answers
My son has asked for a laptop for christmas (suitable for playing games on). I have no idea what spec I need regarding gig, memory etc its all very confusing. Ideally around £350.
thanks Julie


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6GB of RAM would be plenty, but that's not the problem.

Cheap laptops only come with cheap graphics cards which are only suited for desktop/office type work. to play modern games you need a fast 3D capable graphics card and laptops with such cards in them start well outside your price range.

A laptop that meets the minimum recommended spec needed...
12:40 Fri 02nd Nov 2012
You're not going to get a laptop suitable for playing anything but very simple and/or old games on for anything close to £350
By games I assume he means full retail, new games so you would need to at least double your current estimate!
Question Author
OMG really!! I have just asked him to name a game he would play....he said medal of honor would he not be able to play this on a laptop that has 6gig ??? very confusing. He has an x box so why wouldnt he just buy the xbox version. Am I (mum) missing the point here?
6GB of RAM would be plenty, but that's not the problem.

Cheap laptops only come with cheap graphics cards which are only suited for desktop/office type work. to play modern games you need a fast 3D capable graphics card and laptops with such cards in them start well outside your price range.

A laptop that meets the minimum recommended spec needed for that game comes in at about £1000
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THANKS FOR REPLIES!! Hes got no chance. He can use his x box for gaming. Does anyone know from...............
Asus K55A Intel® Celeron® Processor, 6Gb, 1Tb, 15.6 inch Laptop White

what does the K55A mean?
It's just the name of the model made by Asus, similar to how Ford make a model of car called a Focus. It's just its name.
Question Author
ok thanks for that xx
Celeron is also a budget processor.

Also, don't buy from the high street.
You will get far better deals online from lesser known shops.
-- answer removed --
Doesn't that link state 'nearly €900' i.e. £700 ish?
The version in that review would be slightly more than pushing the budget a little


The version that is £400 ish is a lot lower spec.
Question Author
thanks guys 400 would be my max (3 teenagrs to buy for) LOL

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