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Are You In Or Out Tomorrow Night??

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Smowball | 16:07 Sun 30th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
81 Answers
For the first time I really dont know if I can be bothered to go out, wait for hours at a bar to get a drink, try and get home in the early hours in the cold/damp/rain etc.

Am tempted to stock up on nibbles, some bubbly and stay indoors in the warm!


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What time should I come round?
tucked up in bed well before 12.... hate hogmany...
I am in tomorrow night Smow. I have the grandchildren being dropped off to me so daughter can go out gallivanting. No better option. Home and can drink, but not too much as ...... 1, 4, 3, 13.
I'll be at a friends... He always has a party at new year :)
I'm up at 5 tomorrow morning, I'll be lucky to see 9pm let alone anything later.
So staying in. The young albas might be going out to their mate's house.
Alba why do you get up at 5?
In, with family, we were going to them, but this is the last NYE where we are now (moving in Jan) so they convinced us to host instead, think they like the view ;o)
The second choice is the best one! No weather woes, no parking, people, or paying at a bar problems. Give way to temptation, and stay at home, turn up the heating, keep the bottles handy (so that you don't have to walk far to get 'em). It's the best way to celebrate!
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Eccles, whenever you fancy : )

Funnily enough my daughter is 24 and although she is going to some swanky club she also said the same lol.
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We can all celebrate together then ! : )
Got friends coming round for a wee shindig.

Younger alba goes to work at 6, I cook his brekkie :-)
Don't have to, just want to.
Bless you Alba. True devotion.
He prefers it when I don't burn anything lol
I've tried in the past, to ignore him, but you know what it's like when you hear someone moving around and getting up, so it's just easier for me and I feel less guilty. (nearly typed quilty!)
Inside it sounds like we are all pretty much the same!
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Bless you all who are babysitting, or hosting parties for others!
Have a fab time whoever else is going out.
And for those at home - cheers! : )
Certainly don't want to go anywhere commercial, we throw a party jointly with our neighbours each year - so we are in, yet out!
Definitely staying in. We moved from the city to the countryside about 15yrs ago and haven't been out for NY since. I don't miss it as its so much busier these days.

We'll have a nice meal, watch a film and be ready to tune into the BBC at 11.55pm for the fireworks from London. I often think I'd like to go one day but when it comes to it I'm always pleased to be at home and warm. It seems like a lot of waiting around in the cold for not very much really.
I think I'm going to curl up on the sofa with a bottle or two....

Alba, you remind me of an equally generous Mum I know.
Smow, perhaps you can be the AB events organiser for those who are sacrificing themselves for others and those who prefer to keep their driving licence valid into 2013.

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Are You In Or Out Tomorrow Night??

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