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What Would You Do?

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EcclesCake | 10:26 Sun 28th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
65 Answers
If you could do one good thing and one naughty thing for a fellow ABer what would you do?

My good thing would be to assign a life coach to Desktop to help her deal with life's trials and tribulations.

My naughty thing would be to sign TWR up to the Eddie Stobart Fan Club.


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I think the problem (if there is one) is that it is only possible to make pertinent (or indeed impertinent) remarks about people and involve them in this sort of chattering thread if you know something about them. The 'usual suspects' are people who have opened up about themselves on AB/CB and so we know a bit about their likes/dislikes/hobbies/foibles...
11:44 Sun 28th Apr 2013
Sign gness up for an health and safety course, naughty lol, sign her up for a microwave cookery class.
my good thing would be to send gness on a "how to use tools properly" course and my naughty thing would be to send some nameless ABers waste disposal units for immediate use.
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I would hate to have to do the risk assessment for any course that Gness was to attend..............
In my spare time Eccles!!!!! I look over motorway Bridges & wave to the drivers of Stobarts! how sad is that lol
My good thing would be to mention any of the many many ABers who never ever get a mention in these type of threads.
prudie, now i see why you have the halo ;0 I AGREE.
Good ...send bbbannas..aka Sal somewhere nice to get better....naughty ..DT to a strict convent for a
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On second thoughts my 'good' thing would be to dish out a sense of humour to some fellow ABers and my naughty thing would be to top up the righteous indignation levels of a few more...............

What do you wave TWR?
No minty, DT would convert them!
ECCLES.............i agree about the sense of humour :)
Sibs....not the nuns I know !!!
If that was aimed at me eccles I certainly have a sense of humour, neither am I indignant. If your only way to respond to my post is to be unpleasant that's not my fault. We have a plethora of these types of threads and they only mention about 20 people. Perfectly fair comment on my part.
i thought it was aimed at me prudie !
I think the problem (if there is one) is that it is only possible to make pertinent (or indeed impertinent) remarks about people and involve them in this sort of chattering thread if you know something about them.

The 'usual suspects' are people who have opened up about themselves on AB/CB and so we know a bit about their likes/dislikes/hobbies/foibles whatever.

I recognise many other people by name and avatar, but wouldn't necessarily know where to start in bantering with them, because they (perfectly correctly) have kept their cards quite close to their chest in terms of who/where/what they are.

If you want to 'play' then you have to give a bit first. If you don't want to reveal a bit about yourself then that is fine, but then making comments about being excluded seems to want it both ways.
There are many threads that are clearly aimed at a select few, no point denying it.

I agree with Prudie, and I have "played"
Isn't this thread open to everybody who wishes to answer?
of course, but the chat is amongst certain posters.
Oh goody a clique thread for clique members!!!

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