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Name this tune...

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HAnn521 | 17:39 Thu 14th Jul 2005 | Music
4 Answers

OK, this may not be enough to go on...but I heard an ol' 80s song on the radio recently and can't figure out the name of the song or the artist...

All I remember is the distinct chorus of the female singer..."Doo doo doo duup, doo doo doo doo...doo doo...doo duop...and so on..." She just knida "chants" this and then sings verses like..."when I looked at my reflextion..." and the lyrics are sort-of most 80s tunes...




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Sounds like Tom's Diner by Suzanne Vega.
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BINGO squiggle... Thanks a bunch!
It's been a while since anyone asked about this one! Surely we must be overdue for a question about "Clouds Across The Moon" by now too?
You welcome :-)

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