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a german pop song

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davver | 23:28 Thu 04th Jul 2002 | Music
2 Answers
I remember a german pop song (tongue-in-cheek) which (in german) "i love you, like a Hamburger loves his beer..." it's called ich liebe dich but there are so many songs on winmx called ich liebe dich I don't know which!


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Do you mean Da da da by Trio the chorus goes :- Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht, aha Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht, aha Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht, aha Ich liebe dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht, da da da and so on and so on
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no, it's not that one thanks for trying though!

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a german pop song

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