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Sunshine Over Leith

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murraymints | 23:25 Wed 09th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Been to see sunshine over Leith !! Really enjoyed it....a Scottish mamma mia...if you like the proclaimers you'll love it....and Edinburgh looks very beautiful on the big screen !

And I would walk 500 miles...and I would walk 500 more......


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Embra pish
23:34 Wed 09th Oct 2013
Didn't spot Jim cycling around Edinburgh by any chance, Minty?...... ;-)
Your post reminded me of that song. :-)
Really want to see this. I love the Proclaimers. I loved Mamma Mia and watch the recording of that over and over.
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Fraid not G been out on your bike à la lycra yet ?
No lycra!!! I keep telling you!! No lycra!! ☺

Researching electric bikes at the moment....have one to try out next week..
...the hills don't seem so daunting now. x
Embra pish
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That's cheating !!! And you have to wear fluorescent lycra's the cycling law !!
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Wharton....even a wegie would like it....Lol.....Bathgate no more....Linwood no more...
murraymints - Only joking. My daughter and I are going to see it soon, we're both Proclaimer fans. I'm just annoyed at the jammy Hibees stealing 3 points from the Jags on Monday.
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Hibees hibees !! ....jambos not doing so good !..... you'll love the film...Will ye send me a letter from America ?
Is Leith a popular first name ?

Yeth, but not in Glathgow.
lol wart, ur incorrigible ;)
Aw, I wanted to go and see this but if it's like Mamma Mia I'll be giving it a wide swerve.
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It's really good Rocky !
Not often we see "sunshine" and "Leith" in the same sentence! Looking forward to seeing it though, we like Leith, family up there.
Nooooo Minty, anything that's referred to as being like Mamma Mia will make me twitch, I thought it was a dreadful film.
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Daddies or hp broon is best
On bacon or sausage forget the rest
On black pudding too really yummy
I love it best when it's in my tummy !
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Wrong thread !
Mauler, is that a song from the film? lol

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