Help! My Grandad keeps asking if I can find a song from either the 20s or 30s with the lyrics;
"Come back from the shadows, dream girl of yesterday"
Does anyone have any ideas at all?? Would really like to find it for him.
:) thank you x Teri x
Thank you :) I don't understand though, I just wanted to find out the rest of the lyrics or a singer so I could find a copy. That gives me a link to a library in London, am I being a lazy youth of today-do I need to go there? Haha x
I must say it doesn't get you very far - it thinks the writer was the same H G Taylor who wrote The Discovery of Tasmania, and The Resistance of Copper to Soil Corrosion. It looks like the only copy is in the British Library, if that's anywhere near you.
Still, you could suggest Scrivens' answer to your dad and see if it rings any bells with him.