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gness | 20:17 Thu 17th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
100 Answers
I probably shouldn't be posting this as there seems to have been a bit of bother....most of which I missed...but having been where you are you're on my mind....and life is hard for you just now.

I'll understand if you don't want to post but just to let you know that there are many of us thinking of you and Mic....

Much love...Gx


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Hope she see's it, gness.
yes. do come back, jez. ;-)
I have no idea what has happened, but I wish Jeza all the very best, she is one very brave and caring lady. Respect to you Jeza :)
hope she sees it G - before it gets wiped...

Jeza thinking of you and Mic
and your daily travails....

Oh did you hear the one about ... ?
I think Jeza just felt like a bit of time out - misunderstandings on web pages are easier than one thinks.

If you are looking in Jeza, take care and know that we are here.
Why will it get 'wiped', Peter?
why indeed was the last one wiped Tilly my sweetest ?
Because the original and follow up threads were pulled Tilly. I don't know where Jeza gets her strength from, I couldn't cope like she does. I'm sure Jeza will be back when she's ready.
I don't know, darling. I didn't see it. xxx
I'll leave it at that then, Prudie. I do agree with you, though. Jeza is a star!
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Only because there were some disagreements or such like, Tilly...I don't really know but as I said...she's in my thoughts and I hate to think of her not having a place to vent her frustrations...and have a wee bit of banter about her B&C....

And anyway, Mic was a long time member I think....many on here will have known him a lot longer than we like to know how they are coping with a horrible situation....xx
You are all lovely people and I thank you for your concern ♥

I made my mind up earlier to end my time out as soon as the evening carers left. When they did I came on here and saw gness's lovely thread. Thanks G.

For those that wondered what happened....I posted a joke that I thought was funny, lots of others did too but some didn't. Hence the removal.

I always thought I obeyed the Site Rules but my following thread was also removed. I will say I will not be dictated to by a sixteen year old who apparently knows everything there is to know in life.
Hey, nice to see you posting again, Jeza.
Good to see you back, jeza. Hope everything well with you both xx
I like your SOH Jeza, shame some miserable sod didn't!
Wish I had seen your joke, Jeza. bet it was right up my street.
Jeza you are a good brave lady. some of us on here have been there just like you and truly know how hard how difficult life can get, that's why in our own way we try and support you. its good for you to let off steam on here when you can. We are all thinking of you.
Tony give me you throw away and I'll send it to you.
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Hi, Jeza...internet keeps crashing.....xx
Mine is too, gness- what's going on? X

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