Ever had an ear worm in the night, ? bits of a Proclaimers song wafted in and out of my head,then woke in the morning and couldn't ' remember what it was, even played the cd and still can't figure it out. Will have to keep pen and paper beside the bed I think..
I once read about an author who kept pen and paper on his bedside cabinet, in case he had a brilliant idea in the night. Sure enough, along came the best idea for a story line that he'd ever had, and he wrote it down on his notepad. But - in the morning, he couldn't make head nor tail of it! It was all gibberish!
I've always got an earworm but it's better than the tinnitus.
For the past 24 hrs it's been Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus...I heard it on a trailer fors omething on the tele, luckily I like it.