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Endless River.

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Tilly2 | 21:34 Sun 16th Nov 2014 | Music
9 Answers
We are listening to Endless River....Pink Floyd. Mr T's birthday present. It's making the hair stand on my head. Brilliant!


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I shall be acquiring a copy tomorrow - can't wait!
Mine's in the post too - should be here tomorrow.

I had a quick listen on Amazon Music - but it needs the proper hifi and the big KEF speakers
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Our cd arrived on 10th. November, the day it was released, but I didn't let Mr T play it until his birthday.
You can listen to it on Spotify.

I must say it is strange album, almost a long collection of unfinished songs.

Almost no vocals, apart from one song, and a few words from Stephen Hawking in another song.

I have to say if it was not a Pink Floyd album, say an album by a new unknown group, it would not have got the interest, or applause, it has got from some people.
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It has lots of almost recognisable bits from songs you know from their other albums. 'Voices in the crowd' was definitely in there . Bits of 'Us and them', bits of 'Wish you were here.'

I don't think anyone else could have produced anything remotely similar

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^ Fearless, I meant.
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Well we like it. Each to their own.:-)
For Mr Tilly

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Endless River.

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