Chill, from wikipedia
// On the 24th of December 2014 (christmas eve) Lizard Squad attacked Xbox Live,[20] however their attacks only affected UK servers and Xbox Live was only down for 8 minutes[21] at which point Finest Squad is believed to have been DDoSing members of Lizard Squad to prevent them being able to attack Xbox Live.[22] At 3:03PM Finest Squad announced that Lizard Squad had been taken offline saying "Finest Squad on your connections. #Offline @LizardMafia".[23] After this, Lizard Squad decided to attack PlayStation Network. Playstation Network was down for approximately 8 minutes.
On the 25th of December 2014 (christmas day) Lizard Squad once again performed a DDoS attack on Xbox Live and Playstation Network however, this time they were successful. //
There seems to be an hacker war taking place, with XB and PS users caught in the middle.