I am doing something wrong in regards to putting up a song from utube can someone run through the way to do it,when you do, or if you do, remember i am old and stupid so be gentle with me,thanks in advanceXXX
I am chilled, I just don't think he's taking any notice of what we're telling him and certainly he's not reading his Links before submitting them. That said, I'm outta here!
Google youtube and enter whatever you want to see. click on its url at the top left of your screen and it turns blue click on 'copy' in the drop down edit menu, return to AB. click on 'type your answer here' and in the edit menu again, click on paste. It might take a few seconds to install.
Yes there is.
Don't paste from the youtube app. It won't work. Use your browser and go to youtube from there.
See the dot here? youtu.be
That tells me you're using the mobile site