Quizzes & Puzzles13 mins ago
Why Can't They Leave Him Alone ?
This is the sort of front-page item which really makes me sick.
http:// www.exp ress.co .uk/new s/showb iz/5811 74/Sir- Cliff-R ichard- returns -UK-bud get-air line-ab use-all egation s-conti nue?utm _source =feedbu rner&am p;utm_m edium=f eed& ;utm_ca mpaign= Feed%3A +daily- express -showbi z-news+ %28Dail y+Expre ss+%3A% 3A+Show biz+Fee d%29&am p;ref=y fp
He's not been found guilty of any offence, so why go on and on about it ?
The MUCKY MEDIA stinks.
He's not been found guilty of any offence, so why go on and on about it ?
The MUCKY MEDIA stinks.
I'm not a Fan, but imo, unless they've got something other than 'rumour' that incriminates him they should back off!
21:59 Sun 31st May 2015