I have been googling for an internet only deal and found a string of sites claiming to list a choice of providers. However, when you go to them, all the ones I have checked so far offer a choice of broadband providers which, yes, all offer broadband but always bundled with line rental also. So far, not one offers broadband on its own if that is all you want - why the comparison sites don't say broadband-with-line-rental is difficult to understand (and highly misleading).
Can anyone suggest a provider of ONLY broadband to someone who has a landline arrangement and is happy to keep it ?
I have been having the same problem since moving. I was with Virgin but they are not in the area I have moved to.
Hans that link for plusnet also says line rental included in each contract.
KARL I have decided that I will ring up suppliers and ask what they will offer meas I'm sure they will want money even if it's not as much as with line rental!
Apologies - on the Broadband Only tab it says 'must pay line rental to BT or any other BT based landline provider'.
I see they charge a lot more for broadband only though
I already have internet from them but since getting a call advising of a rate increase (second in a few months) wondered if I can separate internet and landline. Once my landline agreement expires I will look at all options. Thanks all.