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Walking Right Into Their Hands

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TWR | 10:58 Sun 10th Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Every day there is talk, ever day their is comment, every day there is a debate, " Muslims" you are giving them the publicity the thrive on & people are walking right into their evil regime hands, for god sake give It a rest, I have my moments on here regards the minority of these people, but I've yet to hear a response from them? I do wonder, do some of them have bets on how many post regards " Muslims" come on here per Day / Week, some of them are evil scum as we have Seen / Heard, I welcome the day when some of them have the Courage to answer some of the Questions / Debates that's always on this getting boring Subject, have they the courage to say how they feel? how they can condone the Violence? do they want integration, do they want & like people stare / look / be suspicious of them, and can you blame the public? I have worked with Muslim people & even they say they are disgusted at the way their own religion act, I have asked before, can they see, can they read, don't they know they are causing hatred against the Muslim Religion, h not got the fecking balls to come on here and say what they think, or are they like the scum out there" Frightened" of the truth? I welcome a "Muslim Response please"


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Erm...looks like you've given them a bit more publicity here TWR. Well done.
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I think I have asked for a response, that's if they have the guts to reply Zac.
How do you know they haven't. I don't start any thread as Church of Scotland.
And how many Muslims do you think use this site?
There is one who until recently posted quite regularly on this site regarding being a muslim. Getting him to answer a straightforward question is like knitting soup, good luck with your quest.
Keyplus is the only Muslim I know that uses this site. Of course there could be others...
ISIS are certainly winning their 'divide and conquer' plan. Turn everyone against Muslims and more Muslims will be tempted to turn towards ISIS.

It's a dirty trick the British perfected many years ago.
Utter tripe! Muslims are turning people against Muslims. No one else.
naomi, you think all Muslims are the same? Those Muslims who are fleeing from ISIS are actually the same as ISIS? All Germans are neo-Nazis? All British people support BNP? All British men are the same as Jimmy Saville? Every British mother is the same as Tracey Connelly?

'every day there is a debate, " Muslims" you are giving them the publicity the thrive on & people are walking right into their evil regime hands, for god sake give It a rest,'

So you felt it appropriate to post yet another thread?

By discussing it on a site with around 60 regular members, I don't think the 'evil regime' will see our discussions as a sign of any major support, or condemnation. Should any of them look in, of course.
Strange question. I can't think where your mind is with that one.
^That was to hc4361.
May I suggest that Answerbank now start publishing in Urdu, Arabic,& Afghan to name but a few.
I remember a muslim called saffia a while back, she used to get into rows about muslims.
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Is this site about "Tip>>Toeing Zac" if they have the Audacity to blow people / cut people's head off, surly they can answer a Question or two, or is that against their H.R.
I think the number of Muslim ABers is very small and they have the right to answer or ignore a question as we all do.
I'm not sure how many of 'them' visit AB tho TWR, are you?
Is this site about "Tip>>Toeing Zac" if they have the Audacity to blow people / cut people's head off, surly they can answer a Question or two, or is that against their H.R.

You think some Answerbankers cut off heads and blow people up, TWR?
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The Invitation is here, can they find it hard to explain what Muslins do what they do? I'm sure the Question is easy enough to answer, I've not asked this Question in a nasty way, well I don't think I have, more than likely some will twist it.
So your post is about your concern that AB gives evil Muslims too much publicity,,yet you want them to come on and defend themselves? Have I got that right?

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Walking Right Into Their Hands

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