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Ameld | 22:29 Wed 04th May 2016 | Crosswords
21 Answers
This may seem an odd entry but i simply wanted to say thank you to all you great people who advise and help those like me who are not really up to speed! I am recently retired and wanted to try things that I had not done before because I was too busy. One was the Times crossword. At first, to put it mildly, i struggled and was near the point where i was gong to give it up as a failed effort. I happened to mention it to a friend who i knew did crosswords. He told me about this site and it has been an amazing help to me. I haven't asked any questions as yet because i am nowhere near the point where i can say as so many others do "Last clue..." I wish! as my grandson would say. But i am getting much better and have nearly finished a number of the daily puzzles and over the bank Holiday i did nearly two thirds of both. An amazing move forward. And all because of you people. i follow your answers to all the questions you are sent and more and more I am understanding the logic of the clues. You are so generous and you are making an Oldish man really happy as i develop this new skill.
Thank you all. I shan't mention particular names tonight but i think you will know who you are. Give yourselves a pat on the back if you have given advice or help to others
A Meld


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ahhh..what a lovely post ..hope you are enjoying your retirement x
Awww, how kind. Keep practising and don't be afraid to ask, even if it's not the last one :o)
Lovely post.
Whilst these days I can complete the Times in about ten minutes, my real admiration is reserved for those who can do the enigmatic ones, such as the Spectator or the Listener, where I literally have no idea. The Mephisto is about my limit.
I can't do crosswords....
I certainly don't think it's an odd post at all, great that you have gained from this site and the wonderful people here - as we all have.

Keep on puzzling and good luck.x
Aaww,....warm fuzzies ;) What a lovely post!

x x x
What a great post! Glad you're enjoying cryptic puzzles - they're quite addictive aren't they? It's a nice feeling when that penny drops having fought with a stroppy clue for a while. :-)
Don't know if you do the Telegraph cryptic, Ameld. If so, another useful site is Big Dave's Crossword Blog (ask Google...). The answers there are hidden unless/until you choose to reveal them but you do get hints so you can get there yourself.

This place is great too. I'm always amazed at the speed of the replies! I try to give answers when I can but usually find I've been beaten to it by.... you know who you are!
You sound like you are actually quite good with crosswords already. I am finding the more I do them the worse I am getting. It really depends on the compiler. Also if you're in the right mindset years ago I did the Today crossword once I couldn't get any answers and I put it aside. A week later I picked it up to throw it out had a quick look and eventually finished it. The regulars on here that help me are a decent bunch and save me from headaches!
Welcome to AB, Ameld......lovely post.....xx
How nice to see someone taking the care to post such a heartwarming message.
Just read this lovely post. I so agree with all thats said. Afraid I do not rise early enough to help much with the answers but I REALLY appreciate the help I receive here.
Just read this very sweet message,I thoroughly agree there are some great people out there willing to help.
It is very much appreciated.
Agree wil everybody, a lovely post. Welcome to AB Ameld hope you have as much fun on here as I do. A veritable mine of information on all sorts of subjects.
^ oops should read 'with'
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Crikey! I hadn't expected so many responses and such nice and encouraging ones. Thanks for them. I haven't branched out to the Telegraph etc. The only other one that I have been trying is the very different one in Prospect. Again, I have taken the ( very good) magazine for ages but never even considered doing the crossword. But someone mentioned it in a question on this site and it sparked my interest. Very different! But so enjoyable searching out the often obscure facts that he asks about. Remember it's a retired curious person that's talking here! But I'll stick to those two until I gain confidence and skill.
A Meld
It's a real learning curve and as long as you are enjoying it (yes even the frustrating parts) then keep the grey matter going :-)
The little grey cells need a regular workout.

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