1. If you are going to set fire to the toast in your hotel kitchen always know where the master key to turn of the alarm is.
2. If you are a guest in the hotel and sleep in the nude....lay some nightwear near the door so you're not the only person on the landing at 7am wearing last night's bling when you've been hurled from a deep sleep by all the devils of hell screeching above your head.....
A tad disappointed there, gness. Given that you are in a country that embraces horse racing with a passion matched nowhere else, i thought you were passing on some inside info as to a 'dead cert' running at either Gowran Park or Listowel today. Burnt toast and bling!
The very apologetic cook was burning toast......I was dreaming about Stephen Fry.....and just as it got interesting......WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!...so I will never know for sure, I guess.....
Mind you, it brings strangers together....if only in various states of undress in the corridor. I have new friends.....
The only person who thought to leave the hotel was the lady with the labrador.
My minder is in the rest home til August, Seek.....xx
What an interesting, not to mention the word 'eventful', life you do lead, gness. Me, I'm just off to the mobile library (the big thing every other Monday afternoon). :)
J....I heard a story about a gruesome murder and a mobile library.....so there is hope....
Psyb...Just sussing out some races.....no Ladies Day....and I just love those!