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I Have Memories That Never Happened?

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CallmeA | 22:25 Mon 26th Sep 2016 | Society & Culture
8 Answers
I have 'em since forever. I know they're memories and never happened.

One of them, I'm under a sky full of stars, I feel like there is many people around me, and that I'm baby and someone is carrying me, I feel very confortable, when I was child whenever I felt afraid I thought about this memory to calm me down.

In another memory that I have I'm standing in front of a huge door, its like those church windows, only that its seems like a door, Its a good memory too.

In other memory I'm in a room, small and with clean colors, there's a double bed in the middle, a mirror and a paint. I feel that I just marriged and its around century 17, 18.

Another one I'm in a poor, small house in middle of nowhere, like there's nothing around, like a country house, I think I'm child.

In other memory I'm walking with a boy, I think he's my brother, we are walking toward a house, I feel that I know there's a vulcan near, the ground it's craggy, it's cold, really cold. There's a flower, it's purple or blue with orange details.

I often dream about a house, it's white in middle of trees, like a farm house, every time I dream about it, in the dream I know I've been there before, and it's a good feel, I feel peacefull and happy there, like home.

I don't know what this can be. If anyone there's some similiar memories or dream please tell me.

(Sorry my grammar, english it's not my first language.)


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I think your memories are perhaps not memories of actual real events but memories of previous 'forgotten' dreams.
In my dreams I frequently visit a town I have never been to, I know its layout and how to move around in it. I know in my head the plan of many towns in the world, but this isn't one of them. I also 'visit' a coastal scene and the landscape leading to it, but it isn't anywhere I have ever visited in reality.
I agree that these "memories" are most likely to be memories of dreams. I often have dreams about places I've dreamt about before, but don't think I've ever been to. It can feel a bit strange, but nothing to worry about.
Did Mr. Spock say, Hello" ?
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I think the OP is asking if it is a past life they are remembering.

Alternative to that and the remembered dreams is of course false memory. What was your childhood like? Were you happy and well looked after?
Reincarnation is believed by some. It is an interesting theory of existence although evidence is not great. It's all too easy to feed known information to someone who suspects that they may be reincarnated, which is then incorporated into the mind and believed to be a memory. Also there is no reason that knowledge of the past has to be reincarnation, if you believe in a spiritual existence then you can contemplate that such information could be obtained elsewhere and not necessarily from one's own personal experience in a past life. But you have the freedom to believe whatever you wish.
Have you found any evidence that the things you refer to actually exist or have existed in the past ?

The more likely explanation is going to be having a good imagination and a mind that makes it feel more real.

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