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So Much For Good Intentions . . .

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Buenchico | 22:45 Fri 07th Oct 2016 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
I've been good all week, eating well, with fish and at least two pieces of fruit every day and remembering to take my vitamin supplements. I've also been getting some exercise and, perhaps most importantly, staying off the booze.

However it's Friday night, I'm wide awake and there's some beer in the kitchen.

Actually, there's a bit less in the kitchen now, as there's a full tankard on my desk.

As I said before, "So much for good intentions" ;-)


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You're only here once. If alcohol makes that time shorter but more enjoyable......
Everybody deserves a treat every now and then Chris.
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Hi Zac

I've actually also been getting round to doing lots of things I should have done years ago, such as tidying a kitchen cupboard. It was there that I found this big glass tankard that I thought that I'd lost. Having found it, it seemed a shame not to put it to good use ;-)
Ha ha! Good man. So what did you 'christen' it with?
You need to reward yourself for all you've achieved this week.
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Hi Paddy

Yes, we all deserve treats now and then. I just needed to find an excuse to give myself one! I've been meaning to get back to writing poetry for years and, having dashed one off in under 10 minutes tonight (that I'm not too ashamed of) to post on another thread, I think that I'll use that as my excuse!
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I'd got a couple of bottles of this (left over from when Morrison's were clearing it at £1 per bottle recently) waiting to be drunk, Zac:

The list of what I've not got done this week seems to be getting longer though!
There was a young buck called chris
Found a pint glass he definitely missed
He abandoned his guilt
Filled his throat to the hilt
And was evermore contentedly pi55ed.
There was a young fellow called Chris,
Who gave his old lifestyle a miss.
But he struggled in vain,
So great was the strain,
And now he's back on the p***.
Question Author
OK, I know that I'm a rubbish poet, Zac, but there's no need to prove it by writing something far better than I did in a fraction of the time!

(LOL, BTW!!!)
Everything in moderation Chris. Well done on the good work during the week, enjoy your libation .
Big smiley face. How are the cats?
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My post above also applies to JD33!

Why do I have to have a name which rhymes with ***? It could have been worse though, I suppose. Zac could have tried to find a rhyme for 'buck' ;-)
Well that's good thing Chris, if the list got shorter you would run out of things to do and have no reason to reward yourself.

Always leave something to be done.
Muck, chuck, luck ? Can't think of any more.
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Good evening, Anne.

It will have to be 'in moderation', as I've only got two bottles! (

Hang on though, I think that there are a couple of cans somewhere . . . ;-)

My moggies are fine, Zac, except that my epileptic one had one of his nasty fits this morning (breaking my favourite coffee mug in the process) but he always recovers quickly and he was tucking into his food as usual only shortly afterwards.
I was about to go to bed but am now holding you personally responsible for my having poured another glass of Red Plonk.(Just to keep you company for a short while)

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I've got the Penguin Rhyming Dictionary on my desk, Zac, but most of my poetry isn't of the rhyming sort anyway. (Tonight's load of pretentious rubbish is on this thread: )
Chris, I'm sure the moggies appreciate you're care. Off to sleep now. All the best. (Why can't AnswerBank be like this all the time....god humorous craic?).
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Your company is always welcome, Hans!


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So Much For Good Intentions . . .

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