If anybody has seen activity on the site tonight from Mamyalynne, can you let me know which topic she is on. I need a BT link she posted last night. Thank you
Yes thanks, as I posted I saw your post below, who says there are no such things as coincidences. If you could post the link I would be very grateful, my broadband keeps dropping out here in the soggy northwest.
Thanks again, just noticed that you had posted it, must go to Specsavers. My computing skills are a bit iffy to say the least, would it be complicated to tell me how you post links like that.
At the very top of the page , click the address until it turns blue, then right cilck and press copy - then go to where you want to post it and right click and press paste.
Wow, that sounds easy, I'll try it straight away. One day I'll consider myself competant. You know what I like about AnswerBank, total strangers go out of their way to be helpful, it reinforces my belief that most people are kind, helpful and respectful. To all those people, I say thank you from the bottom of my heart.