i am looking for the name of an english movie. it had 3 main characters, set in the medieval age, set near the seashore. young man, his uncle - both knights, Uncle has to marry a lady from another kingdom. the nephew goes and gets the lady, but falls in love with her, in a boat. Uncle marries her, but she still loves the nephew. In the end the nephew and the uncle fights. Nephew is killed, Uncle commits suicide (by cutting his veins), the lady drags the nephew's body to the sea and dies. The title, I think, was 'Fatal Lovers', but i couldnt find it in the Internet movie database IMDB.com
I saw it in 1994, the film has a great music score, its the score i am really after., or please give the name of the music director
No, those are not the movies. i forgot who the characters were played by. But anyway thanks a lot for answering the question. if u know a person who loves movies very much, please ask him or her. with regards