Tuesday. A tad chilly again this morning. Haven't been outside yet, but there is a light frost on the cars etc.
A very good evening at Monday club. Supper was an excellent beef stew, lots of red wine in it. Followed by an excellent talk and slide show by a member that worked his entire working life at Listers.
Som e hurtling about today, so I hope it warms up a bit.
In a word, HOT..... Though it hasn't got crazy yet, probably hotter where 1ozzy is, but life's pretty busy here as my daughter has gone back to Melbourne and I'm coping with the patient myself.
At least now the treatment has finished we're not trekking down to the hospital everyday.
Sounds like Monday was a good night, beef stew, lots of red wine, roll on winter !
I'm ok, thanks ozzy, tired but now we've got the feeding regime sorted the nights aren't so broken.
They say the first couple of weeks after treatment has finished are the worst and OH's throat looks like it's been badly burnt on the outside, can't imaging how it feels inside.
Guess the worst bit is waiting till May before they check it out and see what the little blighter has done :((
Good morning, everyone. Early awakening today. I have to go out this morning so I hope it's not too icy.
Seekeerz, I don't know the details of what's been happening to your OH, but it sounds quite horrible. I've been reading a couple of books by John Diamond. I hope your OH recovers soon.