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A Phrase To Fill A Husband's Heart With Dread

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rowanwitch | 14:59 Thu 28th Jun 2018 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Hi honey, I just popped into home base for some colour charts.......

Anyone got any others?


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"My mother will be paying us a flying visit - she doesn't think that she'll be able to stay for much longer than a fortnight"

"It's going to be the party to end all parties. By the way, I've told everyone that you'll drive the minibus for us all"

"The vicar's been round, collecting stuff for the church jumble sale. He was really pleased with all your old stuff that I found for him"

"Do you remember, when we first met, how you said you were looking forward to the patter of tiny feet? Well, just keep that in mind on Saturday, when you'll be babysitting all 17 of our grandkids while all of the grown-ups go out on the razzle"

"Do you remember how, only the other day, you were saying that car insurers' no claims discounts were a con? Well you won't have to worry about ours any more"

"Now I want you to be REALLY honest. Does my bum look big in this?"
I've seen a lovely little dress in.....
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Do you think that these shoes/handbag/earrings go with this dress:-/
Do you think my sister's pretty?
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"Whatever you decide will be fine. I don't mind, honestly!"
I'm going shopping for an outfit for that wedding, do you want to come with me? :-/
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We need to have a talk......
I'm cooking tonight!
For my OH it would be "My sister's coming up for Christmas, and she's staying the night."
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My period's late.
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You know that horse you bet on last week?

Well she just rang...
One more time honey!

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A Phrase To Fill A Husband's Heart With Dread

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