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This dance song

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whoser4life | 02:33 Wed 09th Nov 2005 | Music
3 Answers

what's this song?? it's got this catchy beat that people dance to the words 'jump on it'..the beat is kinda like this....da...da da da.....da da da...jump on it jump on it....some people rock their hips from front, to back, then to each side during the 'da' part.




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I think the song you are thinking of is called Apache (Jump On it) If it's a kinda feel good, hip-hop kinda track with some rapping in the middle. It's by the Sugarhill Gang and I LOVE IT!
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Is that the one that Carlton from Fresh Prince of Bel Air done a really mental dance too once?! Fab song x

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This dance song

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