Food & Drink0 min ago
Hoping there's a few fans out there ......can anyone help identify the young sound engineer in a few of the studio mixes ie One Vision, he's sitting at the controls, longish blonde hair, seems to be part of 'the gang' ??
I thought it was this guy, obviously a lot younger... https://www. earch?q=Rein hold+Mack&am p;rlz=1C1AOH Y_enGB708GB7 08&oq=Re inhold+Mack& amp;aqs=chro me..69i57j69 i60&sour ceid=chrome& amp;ie=UTF-8 I have to go out now but will check for sure later.
13:03 Thu 07th Feb 2019
I thought it was this guy, obviously a lot younger...
https:/ /www.go m/searc h?q=Rei nhold+M ack& ;rlz=1C 1AOHY_e nGB708G B708&am p;oq=Re inhold+ Mack&am p;aqs=c hrome.. 69i57j6 9i60&am p;sourc eid=chr ome& ;ie=UTF -8
I have to go out now but will check for sure later.
I have to go out now but will check for sure later.
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