"The bookies take bets on the end of the world every year. They haven't paid out,,,,,,yet."
Ah but they have. Every time you check a result reality splits in two. Maybe in the reality you're experiencing, now't has been paid out yet, but there's an infinite number of yous in an infinite number of other realities who'd say otherwise, or would, had their world not ended.
This will be at least the 10th 'end of the world' prediction I can rememeber !
The 'Real' end of the world will come when our Sun (which is just a very ordinary star ) uses up its store of Hydrogen and starts to burn Helium! Once this starts The Sun will expand and become so big that Earth will be inside the enlarged Sun . But don't worry yet , it will not start for at least another 6 million years !
//I still haven't done the washing up from the last "end of the world". Seemed pointless//
Lucky you Pix, I havnt put the money in the bank to pay my DD's !!!
Hope the end comes soon or my bank balance isn't looking too good.