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Ok Old Jam Tarts, As This Is In The News, What Would You Have Preferred?

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ToraToraTora | 23:25 Thu 25th Feb 2021 | News
14 Answers
Do the exams or let the teacher grade you?
I always preferred to do the actual exams because my teachers never thought I did enough revision and would have marked me down for being lazy. They were of course right I never did revision and i am lazy. Which is why I achieved better grades by doing the exams than them grading me. What would ABers have preferred?


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//Revision? What's that? // I was more, School? What’s that?
08:13 Fri 26th Feb 2021
Exams any day. One of my more dubious boasts is that I passed a paper at university in 19th century history with the sole aid of an O Level textbook.
Revision? What's that?

I did zero revision for my O-levels, zero revision for my A-levels, 40 minutes revision for my teaching certificate (wow!), zero revision for my degree and 10 minutes revision for my journalism qualification.

Most teachers have a pretty good idea of what their pupils will achieve at the end of Year 11 even before those pupils have completed Year 7. (While it's important never to 'label' kids, the reality is that teachers can usually identify both aptitude and attitude very early on).

I'm still not sure whether I'd rather be 'examined' or 'graded' though ;-)
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chico: "Revision? What's that?" - I read it somewhere chris, no idea really!
I knew everything so got kicked out before acing any exams. ;-(
-- answer removed --
Aye, cream rises to the top, which is why we're all in Answerbank and living the dream.
Exams definitely
Exams, mainly for the sense of achievement in doing well in them.
//Revision? What's that? //

I was more,
School? What’s that?
Maybe im a one off or just thick. I hated exams!! I much preferred course work. Or being marked/ graded on what you did over the entire year/ terms.
Didn't we have a system at one time where course work counted for a %, then a final exam a %, so that you could scrap by on course work but to obtain better grades you needed to do well on both?
I can appreciate that some people go to pieces in exam situation so I am in favour of a mixture.
I always found course work pretty crappo

I er did help a relation with course work for O level chem
and the assessors wrote to the school ....
blimey that was 25 y ago
//(While it's important never to 'label' kids, the reality is that teachers can usually identify both aptitude and attitude very early on).//

I don't think teachers are that accurate, Chris. Mine misjudged because I was often not there or bored. Coursework makes you work harder. I wasn't a fan of that :-)

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