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bednobs | 16:02 Thu 13th May 2021 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
heard on the radio this morning that Sgt peppers (i think) was released closer to the end of the first world war than today


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So was I :-)
Yes, released in 1967, so 49 years after end of WW1 and 55 years ago.
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or perhaps it was beatles broke up, i only caught the end
Think it was Rubber Soul, bednobs. Radio 2.
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maybe! it was deffo something beatles related.
1969 a v young journo - virginia ironside - still scribbling and I am still not keen on her ( stupid slooppy shallow and flippant - a bit like the typical Aber really ) - commented that this ( 1969 ) would be the year that war broke out again, if 1940 had been the Great War
oo-er Mrs - post Cuba, during Brezhnev, - once communist always communist
but then but then post 1815 - there was the great century of Peace. Russian commonplace was : we visited Paris in 1815 and can easily visit again you know - - and that was up to 1914

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