Going To The Pictures! in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Going To The Pictures!

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saintpeter48 | 12:35 Mon 24th May 2021 | ChatterBank
42 Answers
Who remembers going to the 'pictures' on a Saturday night, you got to see two films, Pathe News and a cartoon, you could go at anytime and sit through the films again if you wanted. A treat between films was a tub of ice cream with a wooden spoon, also a Kia Ora orange drink. At the end you had to stand up for the National Anthem and wait for the music to finish before we could leave the building, even if you were late for the last bus home, happy days indeed.
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As the credits rolled there would be a mass exit before the National Anthem started.
Talking Pictures TV do a Saturday morning show every week with features and serials and so on. Bring your own Kia Ora, though.


Radar Men from the Moon!
I never liked going to the pictures. Sitting in a dark room with a load of strangers is weird
Saintpeter. What pictures did you see ?
I used to go to the Saturday morning cinema show. There used to be a childs entertainer before the programmes started. I used to love it.

I don't like the cinema now. And it costs a fortune now.
Extremely influential in my upbringing.
Saturday morning:
Flash Gordon. Don Winslow ofthe Coastguards.
The club song.

Late teens, one cinema the Princess had double seats on the back row. Get one of those, overcoat covering both you and her and " get in there" as Del Boy would say.

Yes, very influential and played a major part in wot I am today.
I always thought the pictures was an excuse to get to know your partner better. In fact in the mid 70s,I must've gone to the cinema to see The Omen about 5 times, with 5 different girls, but never got to see the film. I had to get it out on video a few years later.
//////I had to get it out on video a few years later.////

Bit of a slow learner eh?
Had a choice of cinemas when I was growing up. Started off at the bug hut, then a cinema that had proper seats and not wooden benches, then an even better cinema and finally town pictures, ( actually getting the bus into Manchester). That was considered to be a proper treat.
Bit of a slow learner eh?
I must be as i dont get your joke?
piggy.......you didn't get it out at the pictures, so you had to "get it out".........later.......your...peni..........never mind, my weird sense of humour.
"Get one of those, overcoat covering both you and her and " get in there" as Del Boy would say. "

I remember the Pearl and Dean adverts and Butterkist popcorn. My friend and I nearly got thrown out because we couldn't stop laughing at a film called Th Blob , which strongly resembled a dollop of strawberry jam
Sqad don't know about your weird sense of humour, more like your dirty sense of humour. ;-)

I was my Dad's little shadow, often at weekends he would smuggle me in to the cinema to watch his favourite films - westerns.
we used to go to the Saturday morning or afternoon flicks, kids entrance fee a tanner, cartoons followed by the main feature, usually batman, Roy Rodgers or something for all the children. we used to have ice cream if we were flush. Happy days.
The very one Mamya- started giggling all over again:-)) the only good thing about it was Steve McQueen. Thanks for that, I'll have to remind the friend ( of nearly 60years) I went with when I see her on Thursday. Thanks for that x
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My first memory was going with my dad to see 'Sabu, the Elephant Boy' and also Alan Ladd in 'Shane', which was my dads favourite film.
I also remember going with friends on a Saturday morning to the local Rialto cinema 6 old pence to get in, we used to cheer the goodies and boo the baddies, the main feature would always leave you guessing as to what would happen, someone hanging from a cliff, or a train approaching at speed to someone tied to the railway line, I just had to go again on the following Saturday to find out the outcome.
After the film finished we would go home and role play on our journey back, cops n robbers or cowboys and indians, it was all so innocent back then in the 50s.
In my teens I remember going to see 'Lawrence of Arabia', 'Spartacus' and 'The Apartment', all great films.
Yes, it was his feature film debut.

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